Denise JHilburn Stylist




Denise Styled Me

My SUPERPOWERS are mixing, matching and combining curated comfortable wardrobes that will make you love walking into your closet. 

Let’s begin…

As a retired master tailor of 42 years, I bring a wealth of experience and expertise to my role as a stylist at J.Hilburn. My career in tailoring began at a young age, when I started apprenticing after Apparel Arts at Dayton’s St.Paul. Over the years, I honed my skills and became a master of the craft, working on everything from men’s suits to women’s evening gowns.

My time as a tailor taught me many valuable lessons that have helped me in my current role as a stylist. First and foremost, I learned the importance of attention to detail. As a tailor, every stitch and every cut had to be precise, or the entire garment could be ruined. That same level of precision is essential when it comes to styling a client. Whether I’m helping a customer find the perfect suit or putting together a complete wardrobe, I know that every detail matters.

In addition to attention to detail, my years as a tailor taught me the importance of fit. A well-fitted suit or shirt can make all the difference in how a person looks and feels. I know how to spot the subtle differences in body shape and size that can make or break a garment’s fit, and I use that knowledge to help my clients look and feel their best.

Another key lesson I learned as a tailor is the value of quality materials. I worked with a wide range of fabrics over the years, from fine wools to luxurious silks, and I learned to appreciate the way that quality materials can elevate a garment. That same appreciation for quality informs my work as a stylist. I know how to help my clients choose the right fabrics and materials for their needs, whether they’re looking for a suit that can withstand daily wear or a shirt that’s perfect for a special occasion.

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